When retrieving vehicle information from ILSA we only supply the fields you actually need. This reduces the amount of data we need to send to your visitor and improves performance.
In order to prevent you from needing to list these fields with each request, you can configure fieldsets in the Backoffice.
A fieldset consists of one or more fields and is linked to a specific API call (/searchresults, /vehicle and /compare). You can define more than one fieldset per call.

There are a lot of fields available for you to choose from. You can search in the Backoffice or on the Taxonomy page in this documentation. Also check out our Prices documentation or Images documentation for pointers.


Try to keep fieldsets clean by only including fields you actually use.


Instead of adding hundreds of fields for your vehicle details page, use section data instead.

ILSA supports various field types. Many of them are straightforward (like STRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, BOOL) but some deserve some more explanation.

ENUM fields are split into .key and .display_value. For example general.category becomes general.category.key and general.category.display_value. Their values could be car-trailer resp Car trailer. The .display_value is dependent on the _locale, the .key is not.

MULTILANG fields are returned as a string according to the _locale given to the request.

DATE fields are returned as strings in YYYY-mm-dd format (e.g. 2024-05-28).

TIMESTAMP fields are returned as integers representing the number of seconds since January 1st 1970 (UNIX timestamps).

RICHTEXT fields are described below.

Some fields need to contain formatting, like the remarks of a vehicle (description.remarks). Formatting includes newlines bold, italics, underlined, lists and headers for example. DV sends these fields in Hexoncode (similar to BBcode, but more restricted) to ILSA and ILSA can format it several ways for you:

  • HTML. Safely escaped as HTML, with only b, u, i, br, p, ul, ol, li, h1, h2 and h3 tags.
  • Plaintext. Discarding all formatting, except newlines which are rendered as \n and list entries as * .
  • Hexoncode, if you need the raw data for some reason.

Let us know if you need the data in another format, like Markdown.

When requesting a rich text field in a fieldset, you’ll see that we’ve split out the fields into their formatted versions. So instead of adding description.remarks to your fieldset, you can add description.remarks.html or description.remarks.plaintext.

If you do a data dump from ILSA, you’ll get these fields in Hexoncode.

There is a special fieldset type SITEMAP for sitemaps.