ILSA is in active development, but we don’t want to break your application. To coordinate this we make this set of promises to avoid breakages:

  • API calls that succeed today will succeed in the future. (Barring incompatible config changes made by you.)
  • The structure of API responses will not change (but might be extended) for calls that return Content-Type: application/json (or Content-Type: application/problem+json).
  • We will not rename enum keys (but we might remove them, or add new keys).
  • We will not rename or remove fields that you’re using in your filters, fieldsets, ordering or custom enrichers.
  • Vehicles will retain the same ID, even after they are deleted and readvertised. (Unless deleted from the advertiser’s VMS and created anew.)
  • We will add more fields and enum values. This includes adding more units to a unit field.
  • We might on rare occasions remove enum values.
  • We will extend our API responses (c.q. adding more keys to the response JSON).
  • We will change translations (display_values).
  • We provide no stability guarantees about the Data Dumps. They are only for backup purposes.
  • All data in the section data might be reorganised at any time. Fields might be moved to another section. Sections might be split (into separate sections or subsections). Fields might be combined together.


    If you do need guarantees about specific fields, please contact us.

  • API Responses with Content-Types other than application/json and application/problem+json might change.
  • Image and blob URLs might change. URLs returned from the API are guaranteed to remain working for at least one day (but in practice seldom change).