This is our full list of fields. It does not show any custom fields defined specifically for your instance.


Note that we regularly add new fields and enum values.

The fields you can select in the backoffice have a few differences compared to the fields below:

  1. In fieldsets, ENUM fields are split into .key and .display_value. For example general.category becomes general.category.key and general.category.display_value. Their values could be car-trailer resp Car trailer.
  2. In fieldsets, DATE fields are split into .ymd and .display_value.
  3. In fieldsets, TIMESTAMP fields are split into .timestamp and .display_value.
  4. In fieldsets, RICHTEXT fields are split into .html, .plaintext and .hexoncode.
  5. Not all fields are supported for searching or sorting.
  6. Some calculated fields can not be used as input data to enrichers.
  7. For sorting, the virtual fields _mmt, _score and _random are also available.